16 May 2006

Getting worse?

What are things getting worse? Grammar and pronaunciation, probably. Apparently, I do understand the theory, but cannot express it in such a nice manner. Ah...english! what a perdantic languange!

Kenapa ya aku dulu maksa diri kuliah di intl uni, padahal writing ielts score-ku cuma lima. Umm...trying to recall past-occurance, keknya aku gak maksa loh, faktanya supervisorku, John Sweller, yang ngurus english requirement waiver buatku. Kenapa juga supervisorku mau nerima aku ya? Aku kelihatan potensial kali ya bagi dia, kok dia mau jadi supervisorku. Aku, untungnya apa ya.... jadi research student, aku belajar banyak tentang hal baru, human cognitive architecture, cognitive load theory, natural information processing, knowledge structures possesed by experts, instructional design, conducting experiment, etc. Dengan menjadi supervisor, keuntungan yang mungkin dia dapat cuma: makin banyak research student yang dia bimbing, sepertinya, makin banyak bukti yang memperkuat teorinya, makin banyak student yang mengikuti teorinya. Hah, itu bukan cuma-cuma, tapi cuma ruarrr biasa....
Ah, aku jadi sedih... aku takut kalo-kalo aku give-up dan pikiranku mati; terpuruk dalam kesendirian dan kebisuan mengekspresikan buah pikiranku sendiri. Ingin memberontak, ingin marah, ingin nangis, ingin pulang... tapi ga ke endo. Terus kemana dong? I am such a complicated person thesedays! fyuuuuhhhhh............ uh.. uuuhhh......

Hopefully, tommorow is slighty better than today.


Anonymous said...

u can do anything u want, nangis, berontak, pulang ke indo (tapi ntar balik lagi..hehehe), but...just dont give up.
try not to for that only one thing. since...you have and have been choosen.
just because we suppose to finish something that we've started. that's the rule.
we're all struggle here, for the choice that we've made.
so,,,you go girl!! =)

Anonymous said...

face what's in front of you, just look back to take the lessons, to make everything better,,,, but not to regret..

Endah Retnowati said...

Yup...let's struggle...!! Makasih yach... whoever you are, all the best for you too.