Either part-time working for students or full-time working for dependent students is most likely such a great chance to both reach extra money (that it is possible more than your stipend) and enhance capability (as we communicate with native speakers or learn job’s environment). However, getting 'work permit' particularly for non-resident in Australia could be a tricky task. A friend said it only needs a few days but the other friends said it spent almost one month.
The office which organizes this business is named DIMIA (Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs). For students in New South Wales, it is at 26 Lee Street, Sydney. Just a few minute if you’re walking from central railway station.
Basically, there are two options to apply work permit, one is online application through logging on to DIMIA ‘s website: http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/students.htm and the other is postal application.
First of all, students, who want to get permission for work, need to have a statement letter from Student Advisers confirming that the students have commenced your studies. If students want to apply work permit via post, s/he needs to download the application form at the DIMIA’s website. If so, the student advisers must complete the form and you send it to DIMIA office as attachment of your application form. Probably, DIMIA need at least two week working days to process your application. I say, don’t let yourself wait for this little thing.
Otherwise, if you want to apply online, you do not need to download the form. Once the advisers issue the statement online, you can apply ‘permission to work’ via online as well. As far as I concern, this is the easiest and quickest way because it should only spend 24 hours.
Afterwards, DIMIA will issue a letter confirming that your application is already approved and post it to you. This may spend one or two days as well. However, you can ask DIMIA officers via telephone (131881) about this approval, 24 hours after you submit your online application though. I recommend you to do direct contact, so in case of any mistakes, we can cope it soonest.
Once you get approval, you should directly go to DIMIA office to get the new visa label. Before go ahead, check the DIMIA’s working hours and don’t come near closing time, because usually, DIMIA get such a long line of immigrants. You need also check your new label and make sure that your new visa label is what you are.
This is not a big staff but sometimes it is tricky and takes much time. Prepare your self to pass the quickest procedure so that you can get it as soon as possible because the real big staff is applying job.
The office which organizes this business is named DIMIA (Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs). For students in New South Wales, it is at 26 Lee Street, Sydney. Just a few minute if you’re walking from central railway station.
Basically, there are two options to apply work permit, one is online application through logging on to DIMIA ‘s website: http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/students.htm and the other is postal application.
First of all, students, who want to get permission for work, need to have a statement letter from Student Advisers confirming that the students have commenced your studies. If students want to apply work permit via post, s/he needs to download the application form at the DIMIA’s website. If so, the student advisers must complete the form and you send it to DIMIA office as attachment of your application form. Probably, DIMIA need at least two week working days to process your application. I say, don’t let yourself wait for this little thing.
Otherwise, if you want to apply online, you do not need to download the form. Once the advisers issue the statement online, you can apply ‘permission to work’ via online as well. As far as I concern, this is the easiest and quickest way because it should only spend 24 hours.
Afterwards, DIMIA will issue a letter confirming that your application is already approved and post it to you. This may spend one or two days as well. However, you can ask DIMIA officers via telephone (131881) about this approval, 24 hours after you submit your online application though. I recommend you to do direct contact, so in case of any mistakes, we can cope it soonest.
Once you get approval, you should directly go to DIMIA office to get the new visa label. Before go ahead, check the DIMIA’s working hours and don’t come near closing time, because usually, DIMIA get such a long line of immigrants. You need also check your new label and make sure that your new visa label is what you are.
This is not a big staff but sometimes it is tricky and takes much time. Prepare your self to pass the quickest procedure so that you can get it as soon as possible because the real big staff is applying job.
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