22 May 2010

lovable things

Okay... as usual... got bored reading this and writing for that paper. I should be knocked and yelled : “you will be embarrassed if you could not submit your paper after the submission deadline was two-week extended” *giggling*

Oh well...!! I hate this job sometimes. I love this job the other times. What’s this mean? Let’s me describe a bit.

Hanging around with paper-works, books, heavy back-pack and laptop as well as wearing glasses, does, sometimes, look smarter. However, when remembering that a little boy and a big guy are waiting for me in a small-unit, because they are lazy feeding themselves up, cleaning the playing-room or they just no longer could not match each other, then I feel guilty. I wanna run and safe the little boy before the worse happens... also when remembering taht the little boy needs my hugs... as well as remembering that my bed is so warm and comfy instead of the tough desk... this ends up to judge myself that I should only be a house-wife. I do aware that this is a job with extraordinary overwhelmingly 24/7 multitask, including cleaning up, laundry, cooking, preparing everything, fixing up everything, shopping, growing up baby (making it as well), and not to mention organising all in + out coming funds ($$$$).

Nevertheless, a passion of delivering knowledge I gained, assisting others to know this and that, being published, contributing to goodness, earning money, position, etcetera up to being worked-example of a great life resulted by hard-working for my kids are lovely things I wanna redeem. I’ve got the way to the right direction, if not wrong... I’ve got guardian (the big guy) and excellent supervisors, including supportive environment and scholarships. So, it might be worthy to say: this is hard boring job but lovable...

The choice has been pulled out. Perhaps, the other good option is that finishing what you have started. Tuhan tidak memberikan kesulitan yang hambanya tidak mampu menyelesaikannya. ^_+

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